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Gold farming in WoW
Cuz I get stuff for doing stuff

Gold farming in WoW

Intro to Gaming
There are far too few goodhearted communities out there, and I am very happy this exists. Even though I'm new, I hope to use it for a long time! (There are some incredibly talented people on here!)

Intro to Gaming

Apprendre bases poker texas holdem

Apprendre bases poker texas holdem

Videogame tutorials and walkthrus

Videogame tutorials and walkthrus

League of Legends Coaching Sessions
I think this is a great way to learn and grow as a community, providing wonderful access to resources and knowledge that some may never otherwise have due to cost restrictions.

League of Legends Coaching Sessions

Chess partner and teacher

Chess partner and teacher

Scrabble Buddy/Coach
I was so happy to be introduced to Simbi .This will serve as a channel where I can share my skills and talents to others . Being able to help other people virtually is a fulfilling service .

Scrabble Buddy/Coach

Homeschooling and Roleplaying Games
I've been a strong believer in the barter economy my entire life. My father taught me the virtues of the three-way finagle. I live on a farm of my own now, and have traded a pair of goats for chimn...

Homeschooling and Roleplaying Games

Metal Gear Character Analysis

Metal Gear Character Analysis

Hearthstone Coach
I've always believed people have beautiful hidden talents. The Simbi community is an amazing way for people to share those talents and give them meaningful value.

Hearthstone Coach

I will grind in video game for you!
Simbi is a type of resource that can make us thousands of miles and kilometers away get connected quickly. We all can grow together in this Virtual world of Simbi together. This world is also very ...

I will grind in video game for you!

Online Role Play Buddy
I have so many things I wanna learn or try that I simply can't because of money restraint. With Simbi that's no issue! I am exited to learn new things as well as help others!

Online Role Play Buddy

Price your video game collection
The possibilities for barter could be limitless...

Price your video game collection

Construct 2 Advice
As time has progressed, I've become less and less fond of capitalism. For years I have published my books for free, so that those who cannot afford them can enjoy them -- and those who can, may op...

Construct 2 Advice

League Of Legends Platinum Duo

League Of Legends Platinum Duo

Personalized web game
Looking forward to helping others, while gaining report and adding onto my portfolio of projects.

Personalized web game

An evening of games
Simi popped up on facebook and I glanced for a secind. It seems almost too good to be true, having somewhere to offer my limited services, knowing eventually someone will want or need what I have t...

An evening of games

Path of Exile Lets Play

Path of Exile Lets Play